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Chu S, Margerison M, Thavabalasingham S, O’Neil EB, Ito R, Lee ACH (2021) Perirhinal cortex is involved in the resolution of learned approach–avoidance conflict associated with discrete objects. Cerebral Cortex

Cavdaroglu B, Toy J, Schumacher A, Carvalho G, Patel M, Ito R (2020) Ventral hippocampus inactivation enhances the extinction of active avoidance responses in the presence of safety signals but leaves discrete trial operant active avoidance performance intact. Hippocampus 30:913-925

Lee ACH, Thavabalasingam S, Alushaj D, ÇavdaroÄŸlu B, Ito R (2020) The hippocampus contributes to temporal duration memory in the context of event sequences: A cross-species perspective. Neuropsychologia 137: 107300.


Chu S, Thavabalasingam S, Hamel L, Aashat S, Tay J, Ito R, Lee ACH (2020) Exploring the interaction between approach-avoidance conflict and memory processing Memory 28 (1): 141-156.


Riaz S, Puveendrakumaran P, Khan D, Yoon S, Hamel L, Ito R (2019) Prelimbic and infralimbic cortical inactivations attenuate contextually driven discriminative responding for reward. Scientific Reports 9(1): 3982.

Schumacher A, Villaruel FR, Ussling A, Riaz S, Lee ACH, Ito R (2018) Ventral hippocampal CA1 and CA3 differentially mediate learned approach-avoidance conflict processing. Current Biology 28:1318-1324.



Riaz S, Schumacher A, Sivagurunathan S, Ito R (2017) Ventral, but not dorsal hippocampus inactivation impairs reward context memory expression and retrieval. Hippocampus 27:822-836.

Hamel L, Tharangarasa T, Ito R (2017) Caudal nucleus accumbens core is critical in the regulation of cue-elicited approach-avoidance behavior. eNeuro 4.1: ENEURO.0330-16.2017.

Ito R, Lee ACH (2016) The role of the hippocampus in approach-avoidance conflict decision making: Evidence from rodent and human studies. Behav Br Res 313:345-357.

Schumacher A, Sivanandan B, Tolledo EC, Woldegabriel J, Ito R (2016) Different dosing regimens of repeated ketamine administration have opposite effects on novelty processing in rats. Prog Neuropsychopharm Biol Psych 69:1-10

Schumacher A, Vlassov E, Ito R (2016) The ventral hippocampus, but not the dorsal
hippocampus is critical for learned approach-avoidance conflict resolution. Hippocampus. 26:530-542

O’Neil EB, Yang, I, Newsome R, Thavabalasingam, S, Ito R, Lee A (2015) Examining the role of the human hippocampus in approach-avoidance decision-making using a novel conflict resolution paradigm and multivariate functional magnetic resonance imaging. 
J Neurosci 35: 15039-15049

Nguyen D, Schumacher A, Erb S, Ito R (2015) Aberrant approach-avoidance conflict resolution following repeated cocaine exposure. Psychopharmacology 232: 3573-3583


Ashwell R, Ito R (2014) Excitotoxic lesions of the infralimbic, but not prelimbic cortex facilitate reversal of appetitive discriminative context conditioning: the role of the infralimbic cortex in context generalisation. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 8:63

Hayen A, Meese-Tamuri S, Gates A, Ito R (2014) Opposing roles of prelimbic and infralimbic dopamine in conditioned cue and place preference. Psychopharmacology 231:2483-2492

Lansink CS, Jackson J, Lankelma JV, Ito R, Robbins TW, Everitt BJ, Pennartz CMA (2012) Reward cues in space: commonalities and differences in neural coding by hippocampal and ventral striatal ensembles. J Neurosci 32:12444-12459

Van der Meer MAA, Ito R, Lansink CS, Pennartz CMA (2014) Hippocampal projections to the ventral striatum: from spatial memory to motivated behavior. 497-516. Book chapter contribution to ‘Space, Time & Memory in the Hippocampal Formation’, Eds: James Knierem, Dori Derdikman; Springer.

Pennartz CMA, Ito R, Verschure P, Battaglia FP, Robbins TW (2011) The hippocampal-striatal axis in learning, prediction and goal-directed behavior. Trends in Neuroscience 34: 548-559

Ito R, Hayen A (2011) Opposing roles of nucleus accumbens core and shell dopamine in the modulation of limbic information processing. J Neurosci 31:6001-6007

Ito R, Canseliet, M (2010) Amphetamine exposure selectively enhances hippocampus-dependent spatial learning and attenuates amygdala-dependent cue learning.  Neuropsychopharmacology 35:1440-1452

Pennartz CMA, Berke J, Graybiel AM, Ito R, Lansink CS, Van der Meer M, Redish D, Smith KS, Voorn R (2009) Corticostriatal interactions during learning, memory processing and decision-making. J Neurosci 29:12831-12838

Ito R, Robbins TW, Pennartz CMA, Everitt BJ (2008) Functional interaction of the hippocampus and nucleus accumbens shell is necessary for the acquisition of appetitive spatial context conditioning. J Neurosci 28:6950-6959

Ito R, Robbins TW, McNaughton, BL, Everitt BJ (2006) Selective excitotoxic lesions of the hippocampus and basolateral amygdala have dissociable effects on appetitive cue and contextual conditioning in a novel Y-maze procedure. Eur J Neurosci 23:3071-3080

Ito R, Everitt BJ, Robbins TW (2005) The hippocampus and appetitive conditioning: effects of excitotoxic lesions on conditioned locomotor activity and autoshaping. Hippocampus 15:713-721

Ito R, Robbins TW, Everitt BJ (2004) Differential control over cocaine-seeking behavior by nucleus accumbens core and shell. Nat Neurosci 7: 389-397

Ito R, Dalley, JW, Robbins TW, Everitt BJ (2002) Dopamine release in the dorsal striatum during cocaine-seeking behavior under the control of a drug-associated cue. J Neurosci, 22:6247-6253

Ito R, Dalley JW, Howes SR, Robbins TW, Everitt BJ (2000) Dissociation in conditioned dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens core and shell in response to cocaine cues and during cocaine-seeking behavior in rats. J Neurosci 20:7489-7495



Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Toronto Scarborough, 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON,
M1C 1A4


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