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We are always looking for bright, motivated individuals to join the lab - whether it’s for research experience at the undergraduate level, graduate degrees (MSc, PhD) or post-doctoral level. To apply, please send us a cover letter, CV, and up to date transcript. We’ll try to get back to you shortly with our response and further details regarding the hiring process.


I will begin accepting applications for NROD98 Thesis course in January. Preference is given to students who have taken NROC61 Learning and Motivation, and NROC69 Synaptic Organization and Physiology of the Brain, two courses in the Neuroscience program that provide great theoretical foundation to the work in the lab. Please note that students must have a minimum GPA of 3.3 in the last two years of their study to be admitted into the program.  


Volunteer positions are extremely limited (and therefore competitive), and we may not be able to consider your application immediately. However, when vacancies do arise (1-2/year), we will consider your file, and contact you if we’d like to call you in for an interview. 
Please note that due to the volume of inquiries we receive, we will usually only consider students whose GPAs in the second and third years are above 3.6. Preference will also be given to students who have taken NROC61 and/or NROC69. 
Essential qualities for working in the lab are: diligence, attention to detail and consistency, as well as a display of maturity and ability to work independently. We expect students to be able to commit at least 2-3 hours/day, preferably for 5 days/week in the lab.


I am looking to accept one MSc/PhD student in September 2021. Students interested in graduate work in the lab are expected to have had prior experience in behavioural work. Please contact me with a statement of interest in the work in my lab, an up to date CV (with details of 2 references) and (unofficial) transcripts.


Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Toronto Scarborough, 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON,
M1C 1A4


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